Colorado Art RanchPhoto: David Peterson

Delta County Artposium September, 2009

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The weekend of September 25-27, 2009, Colorado Art Ranch served up a delicious Artposium in Delta County called Dinner Stories. On the menu was a look at how we are growing and eating food today, how art influences agriculture and vice versa, and how food defines culture, community and family. 



Katherine Leiner, NY, shares her findings from 130 interviews with the new wave of young organic and atisan farmers. Her book, Young and Hungry, profiles 50 of these dynamic and ethnically diverse young people from all across America, who are putting their shovels where their mouths are.  In lively, first-person narrative with stunning photos, Young and Hungry tells these people's stories, shares their recipes, and offers tips on everything from "Setting Up Your First Kitchen," to learning the subtleties of beekeeping, to making simple good food. Katherine
Toronto Chef Howard Dubrovsky talks about the chemistry behind what we eat and how smells and tastes affect us. Howard is a published writer, photographer, kick boxer, food stylist, and world traveler - oh, and an accomplished chef. Howard has all the gastronomic chops you'd expect from a top culinary artist. But, it is this comestible connoisseur's modernist ethos and edgy, DIY attitude that separates him from the rest of the pack. Howard is hip, hungry, and on the cutting edge of cuisine. Howard
Catherine Bouzide talks about art in food and food in art. In Chicago, Cathi Schwalbe-Bouzide is known as the Corn Lady. It's not hard to see why. Much of her artwork is about corn and explores corn culture. What she does is more than just "agricultural art." Bouzide's work reminds us of the relationship between land and food, between where we live and how we eat. Corn Fed





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Food Glorious Food….

By Katherine Leiner

Snob that I am about food, many years ago I promised myself that if I could help it I wouldn’t eat with anyone who didn’t fully appreciate food.

So, what an honor it was for me to be invited to be a “presenter” at the 2009 Colorado Art Ranch Symposium in Delta County. The weekend was called Dinner Stories. Three days of sublime 80’ weather with workshops that centered on good food and culminated with the kind of communal spirit that felt like grace.

Our first stop that weekend was for cocktails in Hotchkiss at the Creamery Art Centerwhere we were treated to an array of delicious hors d’oeuvres and art.  We had our first taste of Surface Creek Wine and home made goodies from local faire. Then the three presenters were introduced in the order in which they would present the following afternoon, all of us coincidently from big cities. I was up first (from New York City and Durango, Colorado), followed by Howard Dubrovsky (Toronto, Canada) and Catherine Bouzide (Chicago).

The following morning... Read More